Diversity and inclusion policy

MeThree seeks to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment for everyone involved with us. Our aim is to maintain an environment where people treat each other with mutual respect regardless of disability, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion or belief, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, unrelated criminal convictions (spent) or any other criteria which is irrelevant to a person’s  employment or dealings with MeThree Limited. 

We are committed to promoting race equality and good race relations. We will treat all current and potential employees, contractors, suppliers and visitors with respect and dignity and maintain a culture where diversity is valued. 

We aim to maintain a constructive  and positive working environment free from harassment, discrimination and victimisation. We will celebrate and value diversity in human experience and circumstances. This policy will apply to all employees of MeThree Limited. Contractors are made aware of our policy and are encouraged to operate fair and non-discriminatory practices or have an equivalent policy of their own. 

Application of the policy: examination of employment practices 

MeThree Limited will examine and regularly review employment practices, procedures and decision making criteria to ensure that they do not discriminate unfairly, either directly or indirectly.  MeThree Limited recognises the importance of training as a key element in the promotion of equal opportunities. Accordingly training/guidance will be given to employees to ensure that they fully understand their responsibilities under the law as well as under our Policy. Such training/guidance is especially important for anyone involved in selection and promotion.  

Recruitment and selection 

In its recruitment and selection of employees MeThree Limited will seek to ensure that there is the widest possible response to employment vacancies. To this end we will take appropriate steps to ensure that members of disadvantaged groups are aware that MeThree Limited is an equal opportunities employer. We will also take reasonable steps to bring advertisements to the attention of disadvantaged groups.  

MeThree Limited recognises that recruitment and selection processes are of crucial importance to the promotion of equal opportunities. These processes must be carried out according to objective, job related criteria which do not give rise to discriminatory practices but result in appointments based on merit, qualification and experience that ensure our ability to deliver our services well.  

Induction and communication  

MeThree Limited will ensure, in the induction of new employees, that proper account is taken of factors that can prevent effective communication with employees who are members of racial minorities.  Induction arrangements and general communication procedures (particularly those which relate to  health and safety) will therefore ensure that such information given is clearly understood by all. Where appropriate, English language training will normally be provided when employees so request. 

Training and promotion  

It is in the interest of MeThree Limited to provide opportunities for training and promotion for all its  employees. In support of this Policy, directors and employees responsible for appraising the performance and potential of employees, identifying training needs, and promotion selection procedures, will ensure that their decisions are based on objective job-related criteria and do not  give rise to unfair discrimination.  

Conditions of service 

MeThree Limited will ensure that conditions of service, which do not in themselves discriminate against  disadvantaged groups, are applied fairly to all employees. If any member of a disadvantaged group so requests, we will seek to resolve any problems about service conditions.  

Disciplinary and grievance procedures  

In matters of discipline MeThree Limited will take account of cultural background, and any communication or comprehension difficulties experienced by employees.  

If an employee considers that s/he has been discriminated against in relation to recruitment, selection, training, promotion or in the application of conditions of service, they should take it up  with their appointed line manager. This will not remove the individual’s right to refer their case to an Employment Tribunal.  

All employees shall be liable to disciplinary procedures if they discriminate against job applicants or staff on any of the grounds set down in this document. 

Responsibility for and monitoring of the policy 

The directors are responsible for the implementation of this policy. The directors will monitor the retention rates and workforce composition in respect of race, gender, disability, age  etc. 

In particular the directors will:  

  • Monitor the different racial, age, gender and disability groups in respect to our employees and  contractors  
  • Monitor the recruitment and career progress of employees by different racial, age, gender and disability groups  

All directors will be responsible for giving a consistent and high profile lead on equality and diversity issues and ensuring the Policy is followed.